Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Standing in the living room, talking to Mr. Martin, I could hear Bryn singing something in the other room. I quietly walked back to the nursery and found her singing nursery rhymes from a book my momma got the girls for Easter. Moments later she looked up and said "I'm practicing for when I help watch Parker and Peyton!"

The love she already has for the girls melts my heart. How she has been so open and candid trying to understand adoption has been amazing. And her love and concern for their first mom and her feelings is incredible. I love experiencing this journey through the eyes of a 6 year old. It is also a little scary, because in the moments when anxiety is high and allow my joy to be stolen - I start to panic. What if our precious expectant momma changes her mind? While my heart will be shattered in a million pieces, how do we tell Bryn?

As amazing as it has been to experience the joys of this journey through her eyes, I'm not sure my heart could ever be prepared for the heartbreak that could be. But then I think back to a conversation we had in the car a few weeks back about the girls "tummy mommy" and I smile. That day she asked hard questions and I answered. Including talking about that she could change her mind. She commented that it would be so sad for all of us, but that their tummy mommy wouldn't have to be sad anymore. Sometimes I think we take for granted how much kiddos just get things. Even really hard, complex things. And while I hope and pray that our journey plays out as planned, I am comforted by the candid and heartfelt words of my little unicorn princess, partner in crime!

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