Friday, July 29, 2016

Love Conquers All

As we prepared for starting our adoption journey I was warned by friends (yes, more than one) who had walked this path before to prepare our hearts for the stones that would be cast our way. Especially if there was fundraising involved. Some of the stones might come from expected places, but others would cut you at the core.  In the same conversation they would tell me not to let the negativity and hate distract us. That for every stone that was cast a handful of angels would surround us with love and support.  And as much as the actions of a few would hurt, seeing the love and support from people you never expected to step up will be an incredible part of our journey. 

Every time I heard a version of this cautionary tale I thought my friend telling it might be slightly mad. I couldn't imagine a situation for someone to be so hateful. Apparently I was just extremely naive. 

Some of what I am about to say is a repeat from past posts, but after the last week it bears repeating. For over a year a group of dear friends have said that when the time came they would be ready to step up and fund raise for our adoption. And for over a year, we said no.

If I am being honest, it terrified me. It was so out of my servants heart comfort zone. I am the one who is supposed to be helping and serving others. There are so many people who are far more deserving or in need of the blessings of others. What if people judged us for asking for help?  What if when push came to shove we were left standing there alone? In my moments of panic, I could come up with all sorts of crazy. But then I remember my favorite quote from a book I read earlier this year, Rhinestone Jesus. 

Suddenly my way of thinking changes. What if there are people wanting to help us, but they don't know how because we have been too proud to ask? What if the only thing standing in our way of our God sized dream is getting out of our own way? What if our amazing community of friends and family is the key to making our dream a reality?As stubborn as we both are when it comes to asking for help, God has shown us that we have to humble ourselves. We have to allow those who love us to help us through this part of our journey. So when a dear friend approached us about hosting a fundraiser to help support us in this journey, even though it still made us a little uncomfortable, we said yes. 

Since the invitation has been made public we have received so much love and support. It has only been a week and we are completely blown away. But at the same time my dear friends were completely correct - people have cast stones. Lots and lots of hateful stones. (I told you I was extremely naive.)  Not only about the fundraiser our dear friends were hosting, but also about Kipper and I's character.   

At first I was shocked. Then I crumbled. I cried more than I care to admit. And then I just got angry.

After some thoughtful prayer and time, I am better. It would be easy to shout out everything that has been said and who said it. It would be easy to stoop to their level and fight back. But we won't.

We refuse to allow the hate of a few steal our joy from the love and support we are feeling from the army who has surround us.

We refuse to let hate infiltrate this journey we are on to find the child God has created just for our.

We refuse to allow the hate of a few to tarnish the hard work the girls have put in to plan an incredible fundraiser and a special day that I know we will never forget. 

We refuse to allow hate to win. 

Love conquers all. 

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